Earth Drama | 30”h x 42.5”w, framed | oil paint, wax on silver leaf | $3020 | by Lynda Cole

Pink Sky Over Earth’s Patterns | 42.5”h x 30”w, framed | oil paint, wax on silver leaf | $3020 | by Lynda Cole

Dreaming Landscape  |  29”h x 20”w in floater frame, no glass, ready to hang  |  oil paint, cold wax  |  $1000  |  by Lynda Cole

Dreaming Landscape | 29”h x 20”w in floater frame, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax | $1000 | by Lynda Cole

Blue on a Mission  |  29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang  |  oil paint, cold wax on Terraskin  |  $1000  |  by Lynda Cole

Blue on a Mission | 29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax on Terraskin | $1000 | by Lynda Cole

Color from an Exotic Time  |  29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang  |  oil paint, cold wax  |  $1000  |  by Lynda Cole

Color from an Exotic Time | 29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax | $1000 | by Lynda Cole

Rain Storm over Red Mountains  |  29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang  |  oil paint, cold wax on Terraskin  |  $1000  |  by Lynda Cole

Rain Storm over Red Mountains | 29”h x 20”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax on Terraskin | $1000 | by Lynda Cole

Mid-day Light  |  41”h x 29”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang  |  oil paint, cold wax  |  $2000  |  by Lynda Cole

Mid-day Light | 41”h x 29”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax | $2000 | by Lynda Cole


Fire | 28”h x 40”w, framed, no glass, ready to hang | oil paint, cold wax | $2000 | by Lynda Cole